Friday, June 27, 2008

MOVE08-Friday-Middle School

Today for the Oasis team was a perfect mix of seriously intense labor and a crazy amount of fun. We began our day at the Center for the Homeless. We picked up where Lifeline left off yesterday with all their hard work in the new garden. While part of the team laid the landscaping fabric and then topped it with two tons of pea gravel, the other part of the team was weeding around the building and planting more flowers. From the Center we headed to Hope Ministries where we picked up some of the guests of Hope and we all went to a nearby park and splash pad. A splash pad for anyone who is wondering…is a really fun playground with water shooting out from all types of neat objects. First we had a picnic lunch in one of the pavilions with our new friends. While some were soaking up a mass amount of water, others remained under the pavilion to get to know the adult women who joined us from Hope. Our students were OUTSTANDING as they interacted with the young children from Hope as well as some kids from the nearby neighborhood. While the others were getting wet, I sat and talked with the mothers from Hope who had joined us. I was blessed to hear only a small portion of their lives, but they are all working through their present circumstances with grace and positive attitudes. They are doing this with the help of the wonderful programs available at Hope and The Center. There were a couple of women who told me they attend GCC and they were so excited to be spending time with us. Today was full of God’s powerful love. Everyone walked away with some really special memories that will be with us for the rest of our lives.

-Tammy Lausman (MOVE08 Middle School Team Leader)

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