Thursday, June 26, 2008


The MOVE08 team met up last night at the Marriott downtown South Bend and after dinner from Chic-Fil-A the team had some time to prepare for the next few days. They had a chance to talk about what it is they'll be doing and to remember how much of an impact it can make on the lives of those we are serving. They had a chance to pray and bring the whole trip to Jesus.

Prayer is such a huge part of what we do in ministry and we've seen first hand more this summer more reasons than ever to continue to press in through prayer. Heading into the first week of middle school camp 2 weeks ago and then starting up the MOVE08 mission trip, we have remembered that there is an enemy who hates every thing we are doing on these trips. He hates every person we are serving and loving and he hates every single step the students and leaders are taking closer to Jesus. That is why it is as important as ever to pray for the MOVE08 trip.

Here are a couple specific ways to pray for the team over the next few days.
  • Pray for team unity. That the team will continue to serve and love and encourage each other as we engage the various mission opportunities.
  • Pray for the leadership. There is a tremendous team of adult leaders who have taken time off of work and time away from family to help lead this trip. Yes, part of what they do is supervise your students but they also help lead and mentor and help the students process EVERYTHING that is going on.
  • Pray for those we're serving. Pray that through our actions they may see Jesus more clearly. Whether it's because they have a need that is now met or because they've never seen students serve so passionately, that they would see Jesus as a result of their interaction with the team.
  • Pray for the trip logistics and safety. Safety while traveling and working. Good health. Good weather.
I am so incredibly proud of this team and you should be too! They are all stepping up and engaging! They are making a difference right here in this community!

We'll post more details later today to recap all the great work accomplished today!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a very cool song by Warren Barfield called Mistaken. Basically, he is expressing that he would love to be so deeply steeped in Jesus that all that he says and does would reflect the light of Christ so clearly...that he would lose his own identity and his love and actions would be mistaken for that of Christ. That is what I pray for today...that whomever you touch or encounter during this mission, will feel the warmth of Jesus' love through you all. Great work, guys! ~~~